
Population and Environment in Brazil: Rio + 10

"Population and Environment in Brazil: Rio + 10"

As bases para a Eco-92 foram lançadas em 1972, quando a ONU organizou sua primeira conferência ambiental, em Estocolmo, e em 1987, quando o relatório "Nosso Futuro Comum", das Nações Unidas, lançou o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável. Após negociações marcadas por diferenças de opinião entre o Primeiro e o Terceiro mundos, a reunião produziu a Agenda 21, documento com 2.500 recomendações para implantar a sustentabilidade.

Os autores neste livro oferecem aos participantes da Rio +10, ou Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável, ocorrida em 26 de agosto a 4 de setembro, em Johannesburgo - África do Sul,  uma  grande contribuição na área de estudos de população e meio-ambiente, espelhada  na realidade brasileira.

Autores:Elza Berquó, Daniel Hogan, Alfésio Luís Braga, Célia Serrano, Eduardo Nunes Guimarães, Fany Pantaleoni Ricardo, Haroldo da Gama torres, Heloísa Soares de Moura Costa, John Sydenstricker-Neto, Juarez B. Lopes, Luiz Alberto Amador Pereira, Maria Tereza D.P. Luchiari, Marta Maria Azevedo.


"At the moment that the World Summit on Sustainable Development is held in Johannesburg, to reafirm, ten years later, the fundamental principles of Eco 92 and to evaluate progress towards its goals, the National Commission on Population and Development - CNPD offers the participants of Rio + 10 some reflections on population and environment, inspired in Brazilian reality. The papers in this book represent a contribution of the field of population studies to the discussions of Agenda 21, conceived as a plataform for mobilization and change in defense of a more dignified life for future generations.

They represent a joint effotr in collaboration with the Population and Environment Area of the Population Studie Center of State University of Campinas - NEPO/Unicamp and of the Working Group on Population and Environment of the Brazilian Assocition for Population Studies - ABEP. Considering the complexity of the population-environment relationship, the CNPD reafirms, on this occasion, its position contrary to the vision of the volume and rate of population growth as exclusive causes of underdevelopment or environmental degradation, a vision which marked the international debate in the final decades of the XX Century."

Elza Berquó




Daniel Joseph Hogan

Population and Environment in Brazil: Stockholm+30

Eduardo Nunes

Population and Environment in the Brazilian Center-West: the challenge of sustainable development

John Sydenstricker-Neto

opulation and Environment in Amazonia: from just the numbers to what really counts

José Otamar de Carvalho

Environment and Population in the Semiarid Northeast

Heloisa S.M. Costa & Roberto L.M. Monte-Mor

Urbanization & Environment

Haroldo da Gama Torres

Migration and Environment: a view from Brazilian Metropolitan Areas

Roberto Luis do Carmo

Population and Water Resources in Brazil

Marta Azevedo and Funy Ricardo

Indigenous Lands and Peoples: recognition, growth and sustenance 

Paulo H. N. Saldiva, Alfésio Luiz Braga and Luiz Alberto Amador Pereira

Health Effects of Ambient Levels of Air Pollution

Donald Sawyer

Population and Sustainable Consumption in Brazil

Maria Tereza D.P. Luchiari and Célia Serrano

Tourism and Environment in Brazil

Juarez Brandão Lopes and Danilo Garcia Prado

Land Polices and Programs: land settlements, demography and environment in Brazil

Saiba o que é a Rio + 10

Saiba o que é desenvolvimento sustentável

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